2021-08-18 Conda Community Meeting
Name | Initials | Affiliation | GH Username |
Marcel Bargull | MB | Bioconda/cf | mbargull |
Cheng H. Lee | CHL | Anaconda | chenghlee |
Marius van Niekerk | MvN | Voltron Data | mariusvniekerk |
John Lee | JL | Quansight | leej3 |
Jannis Leidel | JL | Anaconda | jezdez |
Sebastien Awwad | SA | Anaconda | awwad |
Jaime Rodríguez-G. | JRG | Quansight | jaimergp |
- conda-build 3.21.5 has been released
- Packages still need to be built for conda-forge, defaults
Standing Items
- Conda Community website mockups
- Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting
New Agenda Items
Supporting new architectures/platforms
- PR/issues for adding Loongarch:
- Potentially identify/re-engage community members to add FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD support
- Anaconda & conda-forge already working macOS M1
- Still need to find native CI support for CF
- Miniconda installer preview available
[CJ] Symbol-exporter
- audits ongoing and mostly positive: https://github.com/symbol-management/api-match-audit
[MvN] New optional mini-migrator for pure python packages
- Can determine deps from wheels and update requirements.
- New feature in conda-smithy so that staged-recipes that can allow us to add conda-forge.yml from the recipe definition as part of rendering the feedstock
[jezdez] conda/conda CI improvments (speed/setup)
- Purpose is to prepare Conda code base for easier 3rd party contribution
- Splits unit and integration tests into groups using pytest-split (no precalculation at the moment) for more runners/better parallel tests
- Moves setup commands into separate files
- Builds base environment for Linux as Docker image and uploads to GCR
- maybe for Windows as well?
- Current state: ~50% runtime
- https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/10864
[CJ] Conda/conda-forge deprecation cycle?
- e.g.,
matchspec syntax (conda 4.4+?); c-f currently handling by patching repodata.json - e.g.,
virtual package (conda 4.9+?) - Major UX question: how users update conda when it can't read the information needed to update conda (e.g.,
- e.g.,
Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting
Active Votes
Subteam Updates
Open PRs
Action items
- [CHL] Dig out why work stopped on conda in its own, isolated environment